Major And Minor Mistakes in Dubai Driving Test That You Need to Avoid | Excellence Driving
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Major and Minor Mistakes List in the Dubai Driving Test

Posted By Excellence Driving on Jul 15th, 2024

In order to obtain a driving license in Dubai, you must pass the demanding RTA road driving exam, which assesses one's driving skills, awareness of safety, and familiarity with traffic laws. You may considerably increase your chances of passing this test by being aware of the typical minor and major mistakes committed.

In order to obtain a driving license in Dubai, you must pass the demanding RTA road driving exam, which assesses one's driving skills, awareness of safety, and familiarity with traffic laws. You may considerably increase your chances of passing this test by being aware of the typical minor and major mistakes committed.

Make sure you are well-prepared, keep an eye out for these possible minor mistakes, and approach your driving test with competence and confidence.

Minor Mistakes to Avoid While Giving RTA Road Driving Test in Dubai, UAE

Improper Lane Discipline

Staying within your lane and making smooth lane changes is crucial. Frequent or sudden lane changes can result in minor penalties.

Inadequate Mirror Usage

Regularly checking mirrors is essential for safe driving. Failing to check mirrors before changing lanes, merging, or turning can lead to deductions.

Failure to Signal

Using indicators when turning or changing lanes is mandatory. Not signaling or signaling too late can result in minor penalties. 

Poor Steering Control

Maintaining proper steering control ensures safe driving. Oversteering, understeering, or making sudden movements can be penalized.

Incorrect Positioning

Positioning your vehicle correctly at stop lines, intersections, and during parking is important. Incorrect positioning can lead to minor mistakes.

Driving Too Slowly

While driving too fast is dangerous, driving excessively slowly can also be problematic and may result in a minor penalty. 

Failure to Observe Pedestrian Crossings

Always yield to pedestrians at crossings. Failing to do so can result in minor mistakes.

Improper Use of Gears

Using the wrong gear, shifting gears too late, or not using gears appropriately can result in minor penalties.

Lack of Awareness of Road Signs

Ignoring or failing to recognize road signs, such as speed limits or stop signs, can lead to minor deductions.

Improper Parking

Parking within designated areas, without hitting curbs or other vehicles, is essential. Improper parking techniques can lead to minor mistakes.

Not Maintaining Safe Distance

It's important to maintain a safe trailing distance behind the car in front. There are light fines for following too closely or tailgating.

Incorrect Use of Headlights

Using headlights appropriately, including high beams and low beams, is important. Misuse of headlights can result in minor deductions.

Major Mistakes to Avoid While Giving RTA Road Driving Test in Dubai, UAE

Causing a Collision

Any accident will automatically result in a failure, no matter how serious.

Disregarding Traffic Signals

Ignoring stop signs or running red lights are major infractions that automatically result in a failure.

Excessive Speeding

Excessive speeding is a serious infraction that results in an automatic failure.

Driving Under the Influence (Driving under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or impairing medication)

It is against the law and automatically results in a failure to drive when under the influence of narcotics, alcohol, or prescription medications.

Reckless Driving

It's a serious error to drive in a way that puts other people at risk, such as driving aggressively or swerving too much.

Ignoring Right-of-Way

It is a significant infraction to fail to give way to people or other vehicles.

Driving in the Wrong Direction

Driving against the flow of traffic is a risky error that always ends in failure.

Driving While Distracted (Distracted driving due to mobile phones, eating, or other activities)

Driving while distracted by a phone, eating, or engaging in other activities is a serious error that can have disastrous consequences.

Unsafe Lane Changes

It is a significant infraction to change lanes without properly indicating or looking for oncoming traffic.

Failure to Use Seatbelt

One big error is not making sure everyone is buckled up or not using a seatbelt.

Ignoring Road Conditions

Failure might result from not modifying driving behavior to account for different road conditions, such as wet or slick roads.

Not Giving Way to Emergency Vehicles

It is a major infraction to fail to yield to emergency vehicles, including fire engines or ambulances.

Driving with Defective Equipment (Driving a vehicle with faulty brakes, lights, or essential equipment)

Operating a vehicle with malfunctioning lights, brakes, or other necessary equipment is a serious error that leads to failure.

What are the types of mistakes that the officer may overlook during the RTA driving test?

Certain minor mistakes, such as slightly exceeding the speed limit momentarily or minor hesitation at a stop sign, may be overlooked if overall driving performance is satisfactory. However, it’s best to avoid any mistakes to ensure passing the test.

FAQs on Major and Minor Mistakes in the Dubai Driving Test

How many minor mistakes can I make before failing the RTA driving test?

Typically, you can make up to 13 minor mistakes before failing the RTA driving test. However, the exact number may vary based on the overall evaluation of your driving skills by the examiner.

Are there any mistakes that are always considered grounds for an automatic failure?

Yes, major mistakes such as causing a collision, running red lights, excessive speeding, and driving under the influence are always grounds for an automatic failure.

How can I minimize the chances of making mistakes during the RTA driving test?

To minimize the chances of making a mistake, practice regularly, stay calm, follow instructions, be aware, and prepare thoroughly.


Excellence Driving

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